Last August, our partners at University College Dublin hosted an exciting workshop on soil organic matter and greenhouse gas emissions modeling. Held in the vibrant city of Dublin, Ireland, the event aimed to equip early-career scientists in the TRUESOIL project with fundamental knowledge in deterministic modeling and practical training using a biogeochemical model. Over the…
Newsletter EJP SOIL
Balancing soil health and greenhouse gas emissions
New TRUESOIL publication with contributions from the University of Chile and University of Göttingen:
Editorial: Greenhouse gas measurements in underrepresented areas of the world
Poster on the TRUESOIL project presented at the EGU General Assembly 2023, in Vienna (Austria)
EGU General assembly 2023
Session at EGU jointly organized by TRUESOIL as well as other EJP SOIL projects leading with trade-offs between C sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions at the EGU General Assembly 2023 in Vienna., Austria. Session SSS9.13: Trade-offs between soil carbon sequestration, greenhouse gas fluxes and N and P losses: implications for agriculture management Measures for increasing…